Friday, December 24, 2004

Have a Good One to All and to All a Good Night

Continuing in the vein of our rant on the appropriate way to greet people this time of year, the sentimental senescent one offers this from R. Emmett Tyrrell:

Krauthammer has informed us in his column that it is acceptable to greet the majority of Americans with a cheerful, "Merry Christmas." Well, I am relieved. Next year I may screw my courage to the sticking point and offer "Merry Christmas" to all.

Though to my Jewish friends I would like to offer "Happy Hanukkah." And to my atheist and agnostic friends, "Have a Good One." Actually, I guess I could offer that last greeting to the guy down at the end of the bar whatever his faith, or should I say his/her faith?
It's worth reading the whole thing here.

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