Thursday, June 09, 2005

Linc Chafee Does it Again

Power Line is reporting the confirmation of Judge William Pryor by a vote of 53-45. Three Republicans defected -- Senators Collins, Snowe, and [RI's own Linc] Chafee.

This will endear him to whom exactly? Not the Democrats. They're out to replace him with Sheldon Whitehouse or Matt Brown. And Republicans? Well, I guess there may be a few RI Republicans who would oppose Pryor, but I don't think his confirmation is a big deal to the vast majority of RI Republicans. So what gives with this guy? Is there a strategy to his being all over the map? Or is he just all over the map because he's confused with life?

One thing we can count on. Senator Chafee will be "former Senator Chafee" in approximately 17 months.

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