Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Loss of Enlightenment in a Terror Driven World

Victor Davis Hanson has a piece in today's WSJ Opinion Journal about what kind of society confronts and wins against terrorism. An excerpt:

The hard-won effort of the Western Enlightenment of some 2,500 years that, along with Judeo-Christian benevolence, is the foundation of our material progress, common decency, and scientific excellence, is at risk in this new millennium.

But our newest foes of Reason are not the enraged Athenian democrats who tried and executed Socrates. And they are not the Christian zealots of the medieval church who persecuted philosophers of heliocentricity. Nor are they Nazis who burned books and turned Western science against its own to murder millions en masse.

No, the culprits are now more often us.

But read the whole thing.

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